Out—out are the lights—out all!
Following on from the news of the Marked to Die anthology last year, we are very pleased to make another Mark Samuels-related announcement. Written in Darkness, the fifth collection of short fiction by Mark Samuels, and the twenty-eighth title from Chômu Press, is officially released today. Originally available as a limited edition hardback from Egaeus [...]
Marked to Die
As the whistles and gunpowder smell of fireworks die away and we start to approach, with premature anticipation or dread, the festive season, and as the dark winter evenings that seem to call up atavistic memories of roaming wolf packs draw in, we break a long Chômu silence to bring you news of Mark Samuels, [...]
Spring bulletin
Meteorologically speaking, spring has begun, but astronomically speaking, we still have to wait until the 20th of this month. However, at Chômu, we’re not waiting until the 20th to bring you a little spring bulletin. Soon, we shall be posting on this website the second in our series of essays by Chômu authors, but, for [...]
Book launch, Jane prize draw results, Snuggly Books, and so on
We now come to a hiatus in our schedule of releases, with our next publication being Michael Cisco’s enigmatic and he-just-keeps-getting-better, Member. In the meantime, we would like to update you with some general news and information.
Below you will find the results of the prize draw for P.F. Jeffery’s Jane, but before that let us [...]
End of 2012: Chômu Press at Weird Fiction Review, yuugen and prize draw photos
After much preparation, this week, at Weird Fiction Review, is Chômu Press week. Chômu spokesperson Quentin S. Crisp provides an editorial at the WFR site, under the title ‘Yuugen Goes Without Saying’, outlining a little of the history, the aesthetic background and the aspirations of Chômu Press. Available elsewhere on the site are some selections [...]
Enter the human labyrinth
October is upon us. It’s time to walk bleak city streets, with our coat collars turned up against the chill and gritty wind, to find the yellow-lit window of a barely inhabited cafe, somehow dazzling in the soft blue of the evening, to step inside, remove one’s gloves, order a coffee (or similar beverage) and [...]
Back from Brighton and prize draw results
Last weekend, Chômu Press were present in Brighton for FantasyCon 2012 – thank you to all those who stopped by the stall in the dealers’ room and bought books. We returned clutching something that resembled a segment of the Key to Time. This was the PS Publishing Independent Press Award for best small press, one [...]
And all you judges, beware!
The summer of 2012 draws towards its melancholy end. Bathed in the red and gold rays of its dying sun is our September release, All God’s Angels, Beware!, by Quentin S. Crisp, originally a limited edition hardback (Ex Occidente, 2009), now released as a paperback for the first time. This re-release, revised and with lush [...]
More prize draw winners and general news
First of all, we would like to announce that the winner of the I Am a Magical Teenage Princess prize draw is John Provencher of Connecticut, USA. Congratulations! A specially enhanced copy of the book is on its way to The Nutmeg State (or has arrived), even as I type. Below are glimpses of the [...]
Dadaoism – The Butterfly has Landed
The first Chômu release of 2012, Dadaoism (An Anthology), is something of a lepidopterous monster (perhaps not unlike Mothra). It has taken many times more person-hours than our single-author volumes to produce, featuring 26 pieces of writing (short stories, flash fiction, novellas and poems, as well as work slightly harder to categorise) from 25 [...]
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