Out—out are the lights—out all!
Following on from the news of the Marked to Die anthology last year, we are very pleased to make another Mark Samuels-related announcement. Written in Darkness, the fifth collection of short fiction by Mark Samuels, and the twenty-eighth title from Chômu Press, is officially released today. Originally available as a limited edition hardback from Egaeus [...]
Marked to Die
As the whistles and gunpowder smell of fireworks die away and we start to approach, with premature anticipation or dread, the festive season, and as the dark winter evenings that seem to call up atavistic memories of roaming wolf packs draw in, we break a long Chômu silence to bring you news of Mark Samuels, [...]
Spring bulletin
Meteorologically speaking, spring has begun, but astronomically speaking, we still have to wait until the 20th of this month. However, at Chômu, we’re not waiting until the 20th to bring you a little spring bulletin. Soon, we shall be posting on this website the second in our series of essays by Chômu authors, but, for [...]
Update near the eve of the tenth Chômu release
This month, Chômu Press will release our tenth publication, Nemonymous Night, by D.F. Lewis (reviewed here), so we thought it was an appropriate time for a general update and some future forecasts.
We are proud of each of our releases and are gratified to know that our titles are now enlivening bookshelves and enriching readers’ [...]
The winning entry of the Machen competition
In March we announced a competition for a specially signed copy of The Man Who Collected Machen and Other Weird Tales by Mark Samuels, inviting readers to decode the message written in an alien language on the book’s cover.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, the language has proved to be too strange and alien to yield up its [...]
Reminder – last day of the Polycrates prize draw
This is just to remind people that today is the last day on which they can enter the prize draw for the special copy of The Life of Polycrates and Other Stories for Antiquated Children. Details of the prize draw may be found here. Please remember that you must be on our mailing list in [...]
The Return of the Man Who Collected Machen
If the world has defied recent predictions by not ending today, we can immediately add to the good news by saying that this date also marks the official release for The Man Who Collected Machen and Other Weird Tales by the acclaimed master of modern weird fiction, Mark Samuels.
Previously published as a limited edition, with [...]
End of Year Update
It’s almost the end of the year and only 14 days until the release of the second Chômu Press publication, I Wonder What Human Flesh Tastes Like, by Justin Isis. The second Chômu release, it will be also the first of a number of releases for 2011. At the time of writing we have ten [...]
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