Hardback Crandolin and April issue of Schlock
Today marks the occasion of the release of the first Chômu hardback.
Crandolin, by Anna Tambour, shortlisted for the 2013 World Fantasy Award in the novel category, has been described by Paul Di Filippo thus:
Tambour deftly deploys a variety of tones and strategies in this book, which she manages to unite gracefully into an organic wholeness [...]
Dadaoism Contents and New Year Update
This is the first post of 2012 and we have for you a round-up of 2011 Chômu links, some news, the table of contents for the Dadaoism anthology, and the results of the Secret Life of the Panda prize draw.
First, for those who missed them last year, a selection of Chômu-related links. Chômu was [...]
Update near the eve of the tenth Chômu release
This month, Chômu Press will release our tenth publication, Nemonymous Night, by D.F. Lewis (reviewed here), so we thought it was an appropriate time for a general update and some future forecasts.
We are proud of each of our releases and are gratified to know that our titles are now enlivening bookshelves and enriching readers’ [...]
Human Flesh Super Limited Edition – winner announced
On the 12th of January, a competition was announced for a ‘Super Limited Edition’ of I Wonder What Human Flesh Tastes Like by Justin Isis. The Super Limited Edition is inscribed and decorated by the author, and contains unique material.
Entrants were asked to send a tweet-sized message (perhaps in the form of a caption) [...]
Last day of the Human Flesh competition
Today is the final day for sending entries in to the competition for the ‘Super Limited Edition’ of I Wonder What Human Flesh Tastes Like by Justin Isis, an edition signed, decorated and otherwise modified by the author. Read the entry instructions here.
See below for a tantalisingly blurry photograph of the ‘Super Limited Edition’:
Human Flesh is unleashed
At last the date has arrived and the second Chômu Press publication is unleashed. We are very proud to present, I Wonder What Human Flesh Tastes Like by Justin Isis.
Here is what others have to say of the collection:
If you ever wanted to experience some life-bending obsession but thus far are still waiting for one [...]
The next book is on its way
The curtains hang still and heavy, shrouding the stage, but now and then a twitch of fabric seems to indicate something passing on the other side.
Much is happening behind the scenes at Chômu Press. First, we are very excited to announce that our next publication will be the brilliant début collection I Wonder What Human [...]
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