Out—out are the lights—out all!
Following on from the news of the Marked to Die anthology last year, we are very pleased to make another Mark Samuels-related announcement. Written in Darkness, the fifth collection of short fiction by Mark Samuels, and the twenty-eighth title from Chômu Press, is officially released today. Originally available as a limited edition hardback from Egaeus [...]
For the adwentoursomme…
Today we are happy to announce the release of our twentieth title, Crandolin, by Anna Tambour, a book which very much deserves the distinction. Set in Literaturnaya typeface, with a matte laminate jacket and back and front cover art from Christopher Conn Askew, Crandolin is a dizzyingly tall tale of mediaeval cookbooks, heraldic beasts, time [...]
And all you judges, beware!
The summer of 2012 draws towards its melancholy end. Bathed in the red and gold rays of its dying sun is our September release, All God’s Angels, Beware!, by Quentin S. Crisp, originally a limited edition hardback (Ex Occidente, 2009), now released as a paperback for the first time. This re-release, revised and with lush [...]
Celebrant – back to the present
Copies of Celebrant, by Michael Cisco, have already leaked out and found their way into the hands of the keen-eyed and well-informed, but today is the official release date. With lush wraparound art from Christopher Conn Askew, Celebrant is Chômu’s sixteenth release. As Publishers Weekly summarises, the novel is set in the possibly mythical city [...]
Chômu in 2012
After a four month hiatus (there were no releases from January to April, but we have actually been busier than ever), Chômu is about to enter another period of production. Below we offer you the pick of recent links related to the upcoming releases for 2012, as well as some general Chômu news and information.
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