How to Bake a Cockatrice, by Brendan Connell
Today, we bring you the second in a series of guest essays by Chômu authors. This time, ‘How to Bake a Cockatrice, and Other Gastronomic Oddities’, an essay on Renaissance cuisine by Brendan Connell. If you enjoy the essay below, you might also like Lives of Notorious Cooks by the same author.
How to Bake a [...]
Guestblog: Justin Isis
(Below, please find an essay by Chômu author Justin Isis that originally appeared on the website Patchwork Earth. We hope this will be the first of a number of essays from Chômu authors to appear on the site. – QSC.)
On July 3, 2008, one month before killing himself, Thomas M. Disch wrote a poem in [...]
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